Classifieds in Nagpur, Maharashtra
- 2K Cars
- 693 Car parts
- 704 Bicycles
- 2K Motorcycles and parts
- 391 Kids’ products & Toys
- 549 Clothes
- 182 Garden & House
- 2K Furniture
- 927 Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 1K Computers and parts
- 1K TV games & PC games
- 239 Photo & Cameras
- 950 Audio and video
- 1K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 5K Books
- 1K Pets and animals
- 665 Hobbies & Collectors
- 130 Watches & Jewelry
- 718 Music instruments
- 1K Sport
Rs 600
4 xeroxs of engineering books
1)Television engineering
2)Engineering economics
3)Signals and systems
4) microwave engineering
Rs 28,000
Black Lenovo Model 80E5 Laptop Urgent Sell
Black Lenovo Laptop
8 two 3 seven 8 six 66 nine 6 contact me and text
Serious buyer's Text and call
Screen m line h...
Rs 15,000
2008 TVS Scooty pep 25648 Kms
Self start
Good condition
Good milage
All dacuments clear and avilable
Fixed price hai
Rs 6,300
Machin 4000 dram 800 and sleep bed 15 kg 1300
machin 4000 dram 800 and sleep bed 15 kg 1300
Rs 18,000
Acer 15.6inch laptop
acer laptop. 15.6 inch full hd core i3, 2.4 GHz , 4gb ram, 320 GB hard drive. DVD read/ write. Windows 7...
Rs 200
HSC Chem Digest 1 and 2 Original Price Rs. 540
HSC Chem Digest 1 and 2
Original Price Rs. 540
Rs 80
It's promotional offer of our new firm just like
it's promotional offer of our new firm
just like the page on Facebook to grab this offer
search Mahavir kitchenware...
Rs 23,000
Mahindra Duro very good condition For Sale
very good condition, call at 9623672o2o, price is negotialble
Rs 5,200
Brand new Pluto guitar in spotless condition . Bill included
Brand new Pluto guitar in spotless condition . Just 3 months old
Rs 140
Free Home Dilivery
Free Home Dilivery
High Quality incense agarbatti
Black Agarabtti - 250 gm 35/-
color agarabtti - 250 gm 50/-
Rs 571,000
Hyundai Verna diesel 73200 Kms 2012 year
I want to sell my verna fluidic sx 1.6 in good condition top end model well maintained car..
Rs 400
Fairy white dress for baby girl age 2-3yrs(urgent sale)
Fairy white dress for baby girl age 2-3yrs
Rs 125,000
Maruti Suzuki Wagon R Lx Bs-iii, 2004, Petrol
wagonr 2004 in top condition waiting for genuine buyers available with easy finance facilities please contact our...
Rs 500
ISI Mark heavy segdi, with good running condition
ISI Mark heavy segdi, with good running condition nice flames new nozzel with stand.
CT scan technicians
Trained CT scan technician with basic knowledge of computers.
additional skills will get better payment.
payment on...
Rs 900
Millennium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson
Brand new books: 1. The girl with the dragon tattoo 2. The girl who played with fire 3. The girl who kicked hornet's...
Rs 6,000
All books of neet & 12th class new condition in
all books of neet & 12th class new condition in 60%
Rs 310,000
2010 Tata Manza diesel 98800 Kms
Good condition all 04 tyre new new battery one hand drive
Rs 1,500
PS4 Plants VS Zombies GW2 Game Disc With Case can exchange
PS4 Plants VS Zombies GW2 Game Disc With Case
Rs 500
Truen's Elementary Biology Vol. Ii Brand New
Original Brand New Biology Guide. Book Is In Awesome Condition. No Markings, No Scratches,nothing.compltely New. Very...
Rs 310,000
2010 Tata Manza diesel 98800 Kms
Good condition all 04 tyre new new battery one hand drive